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Active Counselling

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Psychology can be fun and engaging with Active Counselling interventions. 


Active Counselling is a term we use which involves engaging in exercise alongside your Psychologist during your appointment. Not every person wants to sit in a room across from their Psychologist and in fact this can be a major barrier to some adults, children and adolescents. Our Psychologists are all passionate about sports and exercise and are always up to explore our beautiful surroundings during your appointment. For children and adolescents we love engaging in the planned interventions using a wide range of outdoor games and activities.


 Active Counselling is all about getting moving while chatting with your psychologist and is tailored for all ages. It can involve: 

  • Scenic mindfulness walks around the Ross River. 

  • Outdoor meditation sessions in the rainforest surroundings. 

  • Basketball, tennis, handball, football and other ball sports for children and adolescents. 

  • Boxercise activities with children and adolescents to build rapport, work on cognitive skills and activate your happy chemicals.  

  • Bike riding with adolescents where you can pull into one of the many surrounding parks for a chat with your psychologist. 

  • Play-based therapy utilising parks and playgrounds. A child's natural language is play and Play Therapy does not have to be done indoors. Walk with or meet your psychologist at one of the many surrounding parks and engage in evidence based play-therapy for trauma, anxiety and Autism. 

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